So you’ve finished FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE… what now?

One adventure is over… time to start some new ones.
Sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2020 às 11:30
By Duncan Heaney

I don’t know about you, but when I finish a game I really like, I’m sometimes left with a weird feeling of loss.

It’s a complex combination of satisfaction and sadness - you’ve adored this game enough to invest tons of time and emotion into it, and now that it’s all over… what next?

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE has been one of those games for me. For weeks I’ve all but lived in Midgar - I’ve finished the story multiple times, mastered the combat system and found most of the secrets. I’ve loved every second, and now that my journey is reaching a natural end, I don’t really know what to do with myself.

And if I feel like that, I’m willing to bet that a lot of you do too. With that in mind, I’ve put together some suggestions for some titles that I think will act as a perfect follow-up for FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.


If you liked one FINAL FANTASY game, it makes sense to move onto another. The 15th mainline game in the series is a sensible choice, as it also has a real-time battle system.

This adventure follows Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum and his friends Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, on a road trip towards Altissia - where the prince will be married. But when tragedy strikes, Noctis is forced to step up and accept new responsibilities.

In truth, it’s a very different game to FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, but it shares many of the same elements that make that game so great. The characters, for example, are equally memorable. The bond and banter between the four friends is hugely enjoyable - and surprisingly affecting.

And while the combat system feels quite different - there are no menu-based commands and Noctis is more manoeuvrable than Cloud and co - it’s equally flashy and satisfying. The villain is terrific too, albeit in a very different way to the big S…. but we’ll let you discover that for yourselves.

Trials of Mana

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE wasn’t the only remake we released in April. Trials of Mana is a complete reimagining of a classic 1995 action RPG - Seiken Densetsu 3 as it was known in Japan.

You choose three characters from a choice of six, and take them on a globe-trotting adventure filled with interesting characters, secrets to find and some truly superb boss battles. What’s more, the story will play out differently depending on who you choose for your main protagonist and two companions.

The game’s another logical next step for anyone who likes real time battle systems. Trials of Mana’s combat is brisk and exciting, with a real sense of weight and power to your attacks. The other pillars of a great RPG are there too - a rewarding upgrade system and a killer soundtrack.

Perhaps the best thing of all is that you can try it for free. A demo is available on PS4, Steam and Switch that lets you play a hefty portion of the opening sections - and your progress will even carry over to the full game if you decide to buy!

DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Much like FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a critically acclaimed RPG set in a beautiful world full of incredible characters, satisfying combat, and surprising stories.

This game is a genuine epic that positively overflows with charm. All the things you’d want out of an RPG are present and correct: the story is exciting and goes to unexpected places, it has one of the most likeable casts of characters you’ll ever see, and the combat - turn-based in this case - is fast-paced and strategic.

In short, it’s the complete package. Heavily recommended.


One of the best things about Midgar is how well realized the city is - and how lived-in it feels.

If getting completely absorbed in a fantasy world is what you want, few are as expansive and immersive as FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s. Not only is overflowing with amazing sights and sounds, it’s home to some of the most compelling stories in FINAL FANTASY history.

The game is specifically designed to be welcoming to new players and suit all types of people. For example, if you want to buddy up with friends, there’s plenty of scope to do so, but it you want to stay as a mostly solo adventurer, that’s viable too.

Most quests can be completed on your own, and for group activities like dungeons, you can be automatically matched with other players or you can fight alongside NPCS instead with the recently introduced Trust system.

But perhaps the best thing about FINAL FANTASY XIV Online is that there’s always something new to do. New quests and features are released regularly throughout the year, so you’re unlikely to experience the feelings we talked about at the top of the article.


Want to see more of Cloud and co? The heroes of FINAL FANTASY VII have stepped into many other games over years.

For example, Cloud, Tifa and Sephiroth are all playable in DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT. This fast-paced 3v3 fighting game lets you pit characters from across the FINAL FANTASY series against each other in explosive, visually stunning brawls.

If you want to give it a go, there’s a Free Edition available on Steam and PS4. It won’t give you access to every character, but it will let you see if you like the game without spending a single gil.

Alternatively, you could check out WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY MAXIMA. It’s an adorable RPG that acts as a love letter to the FINAL FANTASY series, and features appearances from super-cute versions of popular characters - including a certain spiky-haired former SOLDIER.


If you want more of the world of FINAL FANTASY VII, there’s an obvious next step: play more FINAL FANTASY VII.

The original game is available on most platforms - PS4, Switch, Xbox One, Steam and even mobile phones! However you play, it’s a chance to spend more time with the characters you know and love from REMAKE.

You’ll also see familiar scenes, enemies, weapons and more in their original form and see just how painstakingly the team has reimagined them for the new game.

What’s more, FINAL FANTASY VII still stands up as a superb RPG in its own right. If you’ve never played this true icon of gaming, it’s a perfect opportunity to see why people still love it so much. And for those who have played time and time again… well, you don’t need us to give you an excuse for one more playthrough, right?

Those were just a few picks for what to play after you’re done with FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE - but we’re sure you have some ideas of your own too!

Why not share your suggestions on social media, and let us know what you’re playing next!
