Sleeping Dogs Nightmare in North Point Out Now

Martes 30 de octubre de 2012 16:00
Por Square Enix Team
Etiquetas: Sleeping Dogs

Out from today, Nightmare in North Point is the first story-extending add-on for Square Enix London Studios’ and United Front Games’ undercover cop drama, Sleeping Dogs. Taking an unusual twist on the traditional open world gameplay, Wei Shen is thrown into a world of Hong Kong Horror when the ghosts of Triads past rise from Hell, bent on taking over the city and installing ‘Smiley Cat’ as the new Dragon Head. Of course, Face doesn’t mean a thing when the minions of hell roam the streets, and Wei must seek out the strongest of Chinese magic to grant him the power to defeat the dead and send them back to Hell for all eternity. 



Priced at 560MSP, $6.99, €5.49, £4.39, Nightmare in North Point will be available from today on PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE Marketplace and Steam.
