Red Light: Blessing in Disguise is now on Collective!

By Square Enix Team

Red Light: Blessing in Disguise is the latest title to have sneaked onto Collective and is awaiting your feedback.


Red Light : Blessing in Disguise uses retro inspirations to create a action packed platformer. You play as Michael who is on a mission to help restore the half-global connectivity network after a terrorist group (Terro-Terro) disrupt it. Losing connection to the internet has a devastating effect on humanity, causing society to go wild and crime levels to increase dramatically. Uh oh! 

Michael is a flame haired ninja whose primary weapon is his trusty sword, which he backs up with instakills. You'll also be able to spend money you've collected in game on upgrades and items.


The game itself has a quirky sense of humour and art style - you can see this just by the teams' choice of characters, which are inspired by a few faces you may recognise...

You can find out a lot more over on the Red Light pitch page now. Make sure you remember to leave the developer some feedback too! 

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