Newbie blog post *Raucous applause ensues*

By Square Enix Team


Hi everyone. I'm Kieran, and I'm the new community intern for the Square Enix Collective.   

I'll be working with the Square Enix Collective to help make the community as fun and engaging as possible, so I'll need your help. The more we work together, the better the Square Enix community is for EVERYONE.

I come from the north of Scotland (...beyond the wall if you want a Game of Thrones geographical equivalent), and no, my diet doesn't solely consist of haggis and fried mars bars for those of you interested. 

I'm no stranger to Square Enix, having completed a bunch of their titles over the years. Final Fantasy VII was one of the first games I ever played to completion and it remains one of my most cherished games of all time. My favourite games this year include Nier Automata, Nioh, and RiME.

I'm looking forward to working and interacting with all of you who help make the Square Enix Collective community so special. If you'd like to know more about me or what i'll be doing with the team you can follow me on twitter @DrToboggan_MD - come say Haaaaaiii! 

My favourite games of all time - in no particular order: Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher III, GTA III, Gran Turismo 2, Dark Souls, Pokemon Red (Charizard, innit), Red Alert, Call of Duty 4, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. What's yours? 
