Square Enix Collective to publish Octahedron!

We're really pleased to announce a brand new game to join the Collective line-up for 2018: Octahedron! It's a vertical action-adventure game by one-person indie developer Demimonde and will be coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4!
Octahedron is filled with a kaleidoscope of colours and audio excellence as you create your own platforms to travel vertically across each level, attempting to escape from a subterranean world of Veetragoul. During this psychedelic adventure you'll be working your way to the top of each zone whilst dodging and defeating strange enemies determined to stop you. You'll need to sync to the rhythm and work your way through some terrific level design, all running at a smooth 60fps.
Alongside the game's vivid levels there's a soundtrack to each level that really brings the game to life, with its quirky and addictive sound. It features contributions from well-known video game composer Chipzel and trance producer DJ Andre Sobota - plus if you’re attending EGX this year we'll be showing off the game at our booth in the indie section!
To get you in the mood, check out the trailer for Octahedron below (pop your headphones on to feel the funk) and we'll be sharing more within the coming months!