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KB Article: 82836
KB Category: [Products & Services]
KB Sub-category: [SQEX Security Token]

One Time Passwords

One-Time Passwords are a means of further securing your Square Enix account.

If you are new to One-Time Passwords, please refer to this article about how to activate a software authenticator.


A "One-Time Password" is a six-digit number shown on a screen using either a key-ring like the Square Enix Security Token or a smartphone app, such as the Square Enix Software Token. Once one of these have been registered to your Square Enix Account, you will be prompted to enter your username, password, and a one-time password generated by your app or Token, when logging into your account.

A Security Token is a device for displaying One-Time Passwords. Pressing the button will show a One-Time Password on the device’s LCD screen. Using such a device will dramatically improve account security.

Please note that Square Enix Security Tokens are no longer available for purchase.

See this article for information about how to activate a software authenticator.

The Software Token is a smartphone app designed to display One-Time Passwords. After registering for the service, a One-Time Password will be shown on screen every time the app is launched. Using this app will dramatically improve account security. The app itself is free to use.

New registrations for the Square Enix Software Token closed on Tuesday 21st November 2023. Please consider using an alternative Software Authenticator on your smartphone as a One-Time password option.

See this article for information about how to activate a software authenticator.

Software authenticators (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) are free apps developed for smartphones (iPhone or Android) for the purpose of displaying one-time passwords.

Begin the Software Authentication activation procedure