FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.4 out now
Read on for information about the latest FINAL FANTASY XIV Online update
FINAL FANTASY XIV Online regularly receives patches that expand gameplay, add new story and much more.
Read on for information about the latest updates.
Patch 5.4: Futures Rewritten
The latest patch for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers has arrived. It adds a wealth of new content to the game, including new main scenario quests, a brand new raid dungeon featuring a boss designed by the legendary Tetsuya Nomura, and some challenging new foes. Let’s just say it’s not easy beating green.
Here’s some of what you can expect from the update.
New Main Scenario Quests: Futures Rewritten
The epic story continues. Now that Elidibus has been defeated and the fate of the First secured, the Scions make their return to the Source. But in the new future they now look towards, will that which is written upon the pages of history be an anthem of hope...or a dirge of despair?
New Raid Dungeon: Eden’s Promise
Patch 5.4 brings the third chapter of this 8-player raid series. It returns to the story of Ryne and her mysterious counterpart Gaia, who have successfully restored balance to the elements of the Empty (with the help of the Warrior of Light, of course).
The raid is packed with exciting new challenges - including a new boss designed by KINGDOM HEARTS director and FINAL FANTASY series veteran, Tetsuya Nomura. It’s available in normal and savage difficulties.
New Dungeon: Matoya's Relict
Once home to some of the finest crafters in Eorzea, the Makers’ Quarter now lies forgotten and in ruins. That won’t be the case for long though - you can explore the former workshop of the Archon Matoya alongside fellow players, or with a party of NPCS through the Trust system.
Chronicles of a New Era: The Sorrow of Werlyt
Previously, you and Gaius managed to defeat the Sapphire Weapon, and in doing so are one step closer towards ending the Empire’s warmachina development project. However, information points to a new threat lurking in the shadows… the Emerald Weapon.
New Trial: Castrum Marinum
The information was correct - the Emerald Weapon is real and about to be unleashed on the world. Spearhead a pre-emptive strike on this green-hued menace in this trial that can be played in both normal and extreme difficulties.
New Unreal Trial: The Navel (Unreal)
Titan has been powered up, and is about to be unleashed upon level 80 adventurers. This primal battle provides a tougher challenge and a chance to earn unique prizes.
New “Explorer Mode”
This new feature lets you revisit previously completed Shadowbringers dungeons to explore and take screenshots without having to worry about enemies distracting and photobombing you. You can even summon mounts and minions to further enhance your screenshots! Live out your dreams of spamming the Limit Break wherever you’d like in this new mode and have a blast!
Additional dungeons beyond Shadowbringers are planned for future updates too.
Ocean Fishing Update
Two new fishing routes have been added, the Black Shroud and Dravania, as well as new mission objectives players can complete to earn bonus points and aim for even higher scores!
Performance Update
New playable instruments are coming for bards across the land to enjoy, including violins! Unleash your inner musician solo or alongside a group of other performers.
The Manderville Gold Saucer: Triple Triad and Doman Mahjong updates
Triple Triad is now better than ever, thanks to a variety of updates and improvements. The card list and deckbuilding user interface have been revamped, card rarity restrictions have been eased for new players, and new tournament modes have been added. You can now even create your own tournaments featuring up to eight players!
Doman Mahjong has also been updated, with improvements to the user interface, and a new Quick Match option.
Future updates
Even more content is coming in future updates. Here's what you can expect.
Patch 5.41 - Ishgardian Restoration Update
The final stage of the Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard is set to arrive in Patch 5.41. Work together with other players to construct a cultural district, where nobles and commoners alike can enrich their lives through aesthetic pursuits.
Patch 5.45 - Save the Queen: Past to Rest
The latest chapter in the Save the Queen series, written by renowned game creator Yasumi Matsuno (FINAL FANTASY Tactics, FINAL FANTASY XII), continues the battle for the southern front in Patch 5.45.
Having failed to secure Castrum Cacus Litore, things aren’t looking good for the Resistance. Will you be able to stop the IVth Imperial Legion from unleashing their full might?
Patch 5.45 - Resistance Weapon Updates
If you complete the Save the Queen questline, you’ll be able to upgrade your Resistance Weapons an additional two tiers. The second upgrade tier let you alter certain parameters on the weapon to match your playstyle.
Patch 5.45 - Blue Mage Update
The level cap for the Blue Mage limited job will be raised to 70. Not only that, but you’ll be able to learn new blue magic from enemies, use new job-specific equipment, and find updates to your blue mage log that feature Stormblood-related content.
Patch 5.45 - Skysteel Tool Update
Disciples of the Land and Hand can upgrade their Skysteel Tools even more, to allow for more effective crafting and gathering.
Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal
The next update for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers is a very big one - not just for current fans of the game, but new players too.
Not only does it continue the adventure with brand new story content, challenges, gear and more, it updates and streamlines the original A Realm Reborn questline too!
But what’s new? Read on and find out.
Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal
Patch 5.3 continued the Shadowbringers adventure with brand new story content, challenges, gear and more. It also updated and streamlined the original A Realm Reborn questline too!
Here's what was added:
New Main Scenario Quests: Reflections in Crystal
The dramatic story of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers roars to its conclusion. The Scions have confirmed their suspicions regarding a mysterious new arrival and must try to shed light on the Ascian's dark plot… and quickly, for the time of their departure—or demise—fast approaches.
Main Scenario Questline Update: A Realm Reborn
The main questline of A Realm Reborn has been reworked to give players a more streamlined experience leading up to the first expansion, Heavensward. Whether you’re starting a new character or playing the game for the first time, the update will make the early adventure a more focused and satisfying experience.
What’s more, you can now use flying mounts in areas of A Realm Reborn (upon completion of The Ultimate Weapon quest at level 50). It’s one of the most requested additions from fans, and now it’s a reality!
Expanded Free Trial
FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s Free Trial has been dramatically expanded. It now gives players unlimited playtime up through level 60, includes access to the full A Realm Reborn experience, Heavensward expansion (including updates through Patch 3.56), adds an additional playable race (Au Ra), and three extra playable jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist).
You can sign up for the free trial and start your adventure here:
New Dungeon: The Heroes’ Gauntlet
This challenging new dungeon lives up to its name, as the Warriors of Darkness must fight their way across the whole of Norvrandt. You can play this dungeon with fellow adventurers or with NPCs using the Trust System.
New Trial: Mystery Trial
The Warriors of Darkness will face a new foe of incredible power in this new trial. Available in both Normal and Extreme difficulties, this one will test even experienced players.
New Raid: YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse - The Puppets’ Bunker
The NieR raid series from guest creators Yosuke Saito and YOKO TARO continues. The android 2P awakens, as does a new threat. The Warrior of Darkness heads towards the core of the Puppets’ Bunker - but will they find answers or more questions?
New Battle Content: Unreal Trials
Level 80 heroes will be able to challenge powered-up versions of existing primals. Unreal Trials will shine a spotlight on one primal per patch and change in every major update. The 5.3 update challenges adventurers to face off against a more-powerful version of Shiva.
Defeat the primal each week, and you’ll have a chance to compete in a new mini-game to earn tokens that you can exchange for awesome prizes.
New Tribe Quests
Experience a brand new crafter-focused questline that features the dwarves.
Crafter and Gatherer Updates
The Patch 5.3 series adds a host of crafter and gatherer additions. For example, there are new custom deliveries, updates to Rowena's House of Splendors, and an update to the Skysteel Tools questline headline several crafter and gatherer updates. Recipe search functionality has also been improved to help you find what you need much faster!
New Game+ Updates
The A Realm Reborn class and job quests have been introduced to New Game+, and allow adventurers to relive their past conquests while keeping their current character and level. The updated A Realm Reborn main scenario will be introduced to New Game+ in Patch 5.35 and will allow players to relieve their first steps towards becoming the Warrior of Light.
New mounts and minions
Patch 5.3 adds a new mounts into the game, as well as wind-up minions that will make you the envy of your fellow adventurers. At least until they get one too.
Ishgard Restoration Update (Patch 5.31)
Coming in Patch 5.31, the third phase of Ishgard’s restoration will begin! Skybuilder Rankings will return, and there will be new items for players to craft and new achievements for top contributors to earn.
New Resistance Weapon Quest: Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr (Patch 5.35)
Enhance your weapons and get more insight into the Hrothgar in this new quest, coming in a future update. The renowned guard of Queen Gunnhildr has been reborn, and the flames of rebellion burn brightly. The push to reclaim Bozja has begun.
Patch 5.25
Patch 5.25 brought with it a host of new additions to FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers, including a brand new quest series: Save the Queen.
It’s written by Yasumi Matsuno (FINAL FANTASY Tactics, FINAL FANTASY XII), who also created the narrative for the wildly popular Return to Ivalice raid series, and provides you with a fascinating new insight into the Hrothgar Race.
Here’s what was included with Patch 5.25:
New “Resistance Weapon” Enhancement Quest Series: “Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr”
This new quest series starts here, with regular updates coming in future patches.
Bozja, the homeland of the Hrothgar, has been controlled by Garlean rulers for many years. But with the Empire falling into disarray, the people of Doma and Ala Mhigo have risen up to challenge their authority.
Unfortunately, the Bozjans lack the means to join the rebellion. They need a standard to rally under - a weapon of legend.
Players can undertake new Resistance Weapon Quest Battles, which will see you take on multiple boss fights, with progress saved as you advance.
Crafter and Gatherer Content: “Skysteel Tools”
A new questline that will allow Disciples of the Land and Hand to upgrade their Skysteel Tools into even more powerful versions.
It’s not one and done either - the questline will see updates in future patches, so you’ll be able to further upgrade these tools.
New “Extreme” Difficulty Trial
Parties of eight players can undertake this challenging new trial battle. As to what said battle is… well, we’ll leave you to find out that one for yourselves.
New Items, Recipes, Furnishings, and more
The new patch adds brand new items, customization items and more to the game.
Patch 5.2 - Echoes of a Fallen Star
Patch 5.2 is titled Echoes of a Fallen Star and adds new adventures, challenging trials, and much more to the critically-acclaimed expansion pack.
Read on and we’ll reveal some of the things included in the update, but you can get a taste of them in the trailer:
New Main Scenario Quests
After all the dramatic events of Shadowbringers, the city of Eulmore is on the path to a brighter future. The Scions wait for a time when the Exarch might return them home, but fate will not let them be idle for long…
New Raid Dungeon: Eden’s Verse
The second chapter in the Eden raid series introduces the character of Gaia - created by the famed FINAL FANTASY developer Tetsuya Nomura. You can play in both normal and savage difficulties.
New Dungeon: Anamnesis Anyder
This beautiful new dungeon takes you deep in the Tempest - to the remains of Anyder's ancient edifices. What slumbers forgotten in this bed of knowledge? You can find out with fellow adventurers - or with NPCs using the Trust system.
New Trial: Cinder Drift
Ruby Weapon has arrived in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers! Clad in crimson and heavily armed, it represents the pinnacle of Garlean military technology. You can take it on in both normal and extreme difficulties.
New Beast Tribe Quests
The Qitari will offer up brand new quests geared towards Disciples of the Land classes.
New Chronicles of a New Era Quest: “The Sorrow of Werlyt”
Learn the lore behind the new Weapon series. The Garlean Empire seeks to break the stalemate with Eorzean forces with these terrifying and twisted creations.
Ocean Fishing
This is exclusive to Fishers. Players can board a ship at different times to enjoy fishing on the high seas. They’ll even get experience and scrips based off the fish caught - and meeting certain conditions while aboard will grant all passengers the chance of a big haul!
Ishgardian Restoration Update (Patch 5.21)
The next update for Disciples of the Hand and Land will include gatherer-specific content in the Diadem, high-level crafting challenges, a new ranking system and more.
The Gold Saucer: A Leap of Faith
Players’ acrobatic abilities will be tested to the limit with this new course on the Floating City of Nym. Are you brave enough to take it on?
In-Game Adjustments
Patch 5.2 adds several tweaks to Jobs, PvP Actions and New Game+ as well as multiple Crafter and Gatherer updates.
New Mounts, Minions, Hairystyle, Emote, Crafting Recipes, and more:
You’ll be able to update your look with a parasols, new hair options, new emotes and more. Plus there are new mounts, new minions and new recipes to acquire.
For more details about Patch 5.2, check out the official FINAL FANTASY XIV Online website:
Patch 5.1 - Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty
Patch 5.1 launched on October 29, 2019.
It added a huge amount of content, including new main scenario quests, new crafter and gatherer content, and the first chapter of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse alliance raid - inspired by the NieR series and featuring the work of guest creators Yosuke Saito and YOKO TARO.
Read on and we’ll go into more detail about the new features and areas, but you can get a glimpse in the latest trailer:
Here’s a brief rundown of what’s included in the patch:
New Main Scenario Quests
Shadowbringers’ excellent story continues in Patch 5.1, with new main scenario quests adding hours of additional gameplay, and we promise fans won’t be disappointed to see what happens next.
New 24-Player Alliance Raid: “The Copied Factory”
The worlds of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online and NieR come together in the first instalment of the much-anticipated YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series.
You and 23 other players will battle against machine lifeforms in a brand new raid dungeon based on the world of NieR.
The creative minds behind NieR:Automata - Producer Yosuke Saito and Director YOKO TARO - are guest developing this raid series, so expect an experience like no other.
New Game+
A much-requested feature, the addition of New Game+ means you’ll be able to replay previously completed quests, cutscenes, dialogue and battles while retaining your current progression and job level.
All the main scenario quests for Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers are included, so it’s a perfect opportunity to revisit some of your favorite memories.
New Dungeon: The Grand Cosmos
Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty adds an entirely new dungeon for you to navigate - either with fellow players or with a party of AI-controlled non-player characters with the new Trust system.
New Extreme Trial: Hades
Only the most prepared adventurers will be able to survive a rematch with this fearless foe. If you want to take on this high-difficulty challenge, you’d better be ready to think fast and use all your skills.
New Beast Tribe Quests
Want more of the mischief-loving pixies? Then head into a brand new area - the Garden of Dreams, Lyhe Mheg.
New PvP Frontline map: Onsal Hakai
Patch 5.1 introduces a new Frontline map and ruleset to go with it. Grand Companies will join forces with the tribes of the Azim Steppe to demonstrate their battle prowess.
Crafting and gathering overhaul
Lots of changes are coming to crafting and gathering - various adjustments to actions, removal of additional actions, improvements to the user interface and more. It’ll improve the gathering and crafting experience for both new and veteran players.
New Gold Saucer GATE: “The Slice is Right”
Feeling fortunate? How’s your luck holding out? Yojimbo makes his debut at the Gold Saucer in this new mini game that will test your reflexes… and your luck.
Blue Mage Job Updates
A major update has arrived for the Blue Mage job - the first since it launched earlier this year. This limited job is getting an increased level cap, new job quests, as well as new blue mage-specific battle challenges and content.
Performance Action Updates
A new ensemble feature allows players to make beautiful music with fellow players.
Various other improvements
In addition to all the exciting new features above, the patch also features adjustments to jobs, updates to the Gold Saucer, system updates and more.
Patch 5.11
We also have some information about additions in Patch 5.11:
Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard (Patch 5.11)
Crafting and gathering classes are encouraged to come together to help rebuild The Firmament in Ishgard. They’ll have to collaborate to complete various tasks, including delivering goods.
Ultimate Raid: The Epic of Alexander
Think you’re pretty good at the whole FINAL FANTASY XIV Online thing, huh? Even the most experienced players will be tested by this new raid.
You can stay up to date with all the latest news about Shadowbringers and FINAL FANTASY XIV Online as a whole on social media: