DRAGON QUEST XI – Patch Announcement

Friday 12 October 2018 13:56
By Square Enix Team

Hey everyone,

We hope you’ve been enjoying your time in Erdrea since DRAGON QUEST XI launched a few weeks ago! Today we’ve be released a free, downloadable update for both the PlayStation 4 and Steam versions of DRAGON QUEST XI, and here are a list of improvements we’ve made to the game.

PlayStation 4

  1. We’ve identified a bug which can sometimes cause the game to crash when the player is 300m away from their horse on the field, this has been fixed.
  2. People’s names (such as “Robert”) have been removed from the list of prohibited words when selecting the main character’s name at the beginning of the game.
  3. Multiple text bugs have been fixed.


  1. We’ve identified a bug which can sometimes cause the game to crash when the player is 300m away from their horse on the field, this has been fixed.
  2. Players are now able to send log data to the DRAGON QUEST XI development team in cases where the game crashes.
  3. Players are able to choose between three (Low, Medium, High) pre-set graphic settings before launching the game (see below for details).
  4. People’s names (such as “Robert”) have been removed from the list of prohibited words when selecting the main character’s name at the beginning of the game.
  5. Multiple text bugs have been fixed.
  6. It’s now possible to move the command selection cursor using the left stick, and by extension WASD on keyboards, with very few exceptions in certain screens.
  7. It’s now possible to select which key exits the game (by default this is set to Esc) and it’s also possible to bind the Esc key to a different function.
  8. More frame rate options have been added; 90 fps, 120 fps, 144 fps as well as the option to leave the frame rate unlocked.

Finally, we’ve seen a number of questions about the in-game language in the Steam version of DRAGON QUEST XI. It’s possible to change the in-game language by changing the language setting of Steam itself.

Full details on pre-set graphics settings:


  • Antialiasing Quality: None
  • Post-Processing Quality: None
  • Shadow Quality: None
  • Screen Percentage: 65%
  • Display Mode: Windowed
  • Resolution: 1280*720


  • Antialiasing Quality: 3
  • Post-Processing Quality: 2
  • Shadow Quality: 2
  • Screen Percentage: 83%
  • Display Mode: Full-Screen
  • Resolution: 1920*1080


  • Antialiasing Quality: 6
  • Post-Processing Quality: 3
  • Shadow Quality: 3
  • Screen Percentage: 100%
  • Display Mode: Full-Screen
  • Resolution: 1920*1080

Thanks for reading, and we hope you continue to enjoy playing DRAGON QUEST XI,


Make sure you’re following the official DRAGON QUEST social channels for everything DRAGON QUEST related!

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