SaGa Emerald Beyond (including the demo version) Live Streaming and Video/Image Posting Guidelines
Last Updated: Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 14:00

SaGa Emerald Beyond (including the demo version) Live Streaming and Video/Image Posting Guidelines

Last Updated: Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 14:00

SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD (hereafter “Square Enix”) is delighted to receive requests to share videos and images from our games online, but we ask that you be mindful of a few things, as set out in these guidelines (the “Guidelines”).

Square Enix permits you to post online and otherwise use certain content from “SaGa Emerald Beyond” (the “Game”) subject to these Guidelines.

Applicable Users

These Guidelines apply only outside of Japan; if you are located in Japan or have obtained a Japanese version of the Game, please check the different guidelines that apply to you.

Game Materials

  • The “Materials” consist of all content from the Game, including, but not limited to, gameplay footage, still images, characters, and music from the Game. The Materials are the property either of a collaboration of authors including Square Enix or of individual rights holders who have given Square Enix the necessary permissions for their work to be used in the Game.

Permitted Uses

You may post the Materials online for the following permitted personal uses (the “Permitted Uses”) only:

(1) Posting images of the Materials on your personal social media accounts.

(2) Posting videos or livestreams of the Game on video sharing and livestreaming sites if those sites have a licensing agreement in place with the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) regarding the use of music.

Legal Notices

  • For any posts, videos, and livestreams, please display the legal lines below.


If you are using your gaming console’s built-in video capturing function, the above copyright notice may be added automatically. If that’s the case and you use those videos as-is, then you may not need to add another copyright notice.

  • Do not remove or modify the trademark or copyright notices.
  • You do not need to display legal notices on platforms where the display text is limited (e.g., “X” [formerly Twitter]).
  • If multiple images or videos are included in the same page, then legal lines can be displayed all in one place rather than individually for the images or videos.

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

  • In order to avoid spoiling players’ enjoyment of the Game, you must mark all content that includes details of major plot developments with a clear spoiler warning.
  • Do not livestream, post videos, or post anything from areas of Game where it is designated that recording is not permitted (if any).
  • Do not livestream, post videos, or post anything containing third party content unless you have obtained permission from such third party.
  • Do not use the Materials for commercial purposes. However, you may use official monetization functions available through video sharing sites such as YouTube, Twitch, and other similar services, if those websites have a licensing agreement in place with JASRAC regarding the use of music.
  • Do not slander or demean other players or any other person in connection with the Materials.
  • You must make clear that your content is not sponsored or endorsed by Square Enix.
  • Posting only movie scenes, cutscenes, and similar Materials as standalone content, and/or posting video content with the sole intention of providing the Game’s movie scenes and cutscenes for viewing, is not permitted.
  • Posting only audio tracks and/or music data as standalone content, and/or posting video content with the sole intention of permitting listening to the Game’s music, is not permitted.
  • Do not share Materials on paid sites or services.
  • Do not share Materials on a site or service which is limited to viewers 18 years and older, goes against public order and standards of decency, and/or is affiliated with religious/political/antisocial activities.
  • Do not reproduce shared content other than as expressly contemplated by these Guidelines. For example, you must not collect and distribute Materials via other media—e.g., in book form—even if you do not stand to gain financially from doing so.
  • Do not post any Materials before the official release date of the Game. You may only use Materials that Square Enix has officially released.


  • You are responsible for following these guidelines when livestreaming and posting content that incorporates the Materials. Square Enix makes no guarantees concerning the Materials, including that the Materials will not infringe third party rights. Square Enix will not compensate you or any third party for any damages or injuries that arise as a result of use of the Materials.
  • Square Enix may modify these Guidelines at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice.