5 videogames we’d love to take a holiday in

Take a welcome break with these gaming getaways
Wednesday 8 June 2022 16:00
By Duncan Heaney

Summer is here, and I don't know about you, but I could use a bit of a vacation. But where to go?

Fortunately, the worlds of Square Enix games are full of wonderful resorts that perfectly positioned to help you get away from it all.

So let us play travel agent and show you some of our most primo vacay spots.

A beach break in Costa del Sol - FINAL FANTASY XIV: Online

You may be thinking: “Hold on - isn’t Costa Del Sol in Spain?” Or perhaps you assume we’re talking about getting the ferry from Junon.

Well, both are wrong. We’re actually thinking about the Costa Del Sol in FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s Hydaelyn.

This warming wonderland has everything you could want out of a beach resort - sun, sea, sand, and a soundtrack that just screams “relax” (but, y’know, screams it in a really chilled out way).

There’s lots to do here too. Why not hang out on the beach with friends, go fishing, or have a swim in the sky-blue sea? There’s quite a banquet to be had too, if you don’t mind doing a little legwork.

It’s a little slice of paradise - and the ideal place for a weary Warrior of Light to take a well-earned break.

A road trip in Solís - Just Cause 4

Sometimes all you want to do is jump in a car, and hit the road - and Just Cause 4’s Solís has plenty to choose from.

The nature of the road trip is entirely up to you. We recommend you jump into a comfortable sedan and just drive - head off in a random direction and see where you end up.

Perhaps you’ll reach a rustic village, or find a lovely coastal road to enjoy. Most likely you’ll end up in an exploding military base full of angry people trying to kill you, but hey - that’s part of the fun of a road trip, right? …let’s just say it is.

A city break in Altissia - FINAL FANTASY XV

Road trips and adventures are all well and good, but if you’re anything like me, you prefer something a little more sedate. A city break fits the bill perfectly, and I can’t think of many places as well-suited as FINAL FANTASY XV’s Altissia.

This bustling city is a tourist’s dream. The architecture is absolutely stunning, with beautiful bridges over sparkling canals, ornate houses, and a towering colosseum.

It’s a pleasure to explore, but if you’re in need of more structured activities, there’s plenty to do - you can test your bravery in the arena, check out a beautiful wedding dress exibit, or go shopping in the expansive market.

When it’s time to go to bed, you’ll get a great night’s sleep in the Leville Hotel. The best rooms are pricey, but you’ll wake up feeling at least three times better than you did the day before.

And then there’s the food… oh man, the food. Lasagna is a popular local dish, but if you really want to push the gondola out, fine caviar canapes are definitely the way to go.

…you might have to sell your house to afford it though.

Of course, there’s an even more immersive way to take a trip to the world of FINAL FANTASY XV…

A fishing trip in Eos - Monster of the Deep: FINAL FANTASY XV

While most games let you imagine being somewhere else, virtual reality game Monster of the Deep: FINAL FANTASY XV makes you experience it.

With VR, you can inhabit Eos like nothing else. You’re not just witnessing the world through a screen - you’re actually in it. The real world melts away, and it’s just you, your fishing rod, and your new best bud Noctis.

You can spend hours (and I have) just sitting by a lake, letting the sights and sounds of the world wash over you. Aside from the occasional crossbow battle with daemon fish, it’s pure peace and relaxation - just as a vacation should be.

Take your mind off things in Lostime - Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!

Some people take a holiday to get away from their troubles. We all face stress - at home, at work or at school… a trip is a welcome chance to take your mind off it for a while.

There’s one thing we can guarantee about a vacation in Lostime - you’ll definitely forget about your troubles. We mean that literally - every time the bell in the center of town chimes, people in town lose their memories.

You have to hope a plucky chocobo restores your memories at some point, but for a while at least, it would be wonderful to experience such blissful ignorance and peace of mind.

Those are just some ideas for where to take a break - but which game locations would you choose to take a holiday in?

Let us know in the comments or on social media - and check the blog every day for more news and articles.
