Square Enix’s Unsolicited Idea and Content Submission Policy
Last Updated: Monday, October 30, 2017 at 16:00

Square Enix’s Unsolicited Idea and Content Submission Policy

Last Updated: Monday, October 30, 2017 at 16:00

Square Enix is constantly developing new creative products and services. Because of this, sometimes Square Enix develops something that might be similar to something you independently created. In order to avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings, Square Enix and its employees do not accept unsolicited creative works or ideas.

Therefore, do not submit any unsolicited creative works or ideas, including, but not limited to, games, films, television shows, videos, audio recordings, music, scores, images, drawings, artwork, sketches, written materials, novels, stories, scripts, storyboards, treatments, comics, plot lines, dialogue, characters, settings, scenes, textures, designs, code, inventions, concepts, plans, marketing concepts, or any other works, ideas, or intellectual property (collectively “Material”) to Square Enix.

If you fail to abide by this instruction and nevertheless send Material to Square Enix, you agree that the following terms shall apply to the Material regardless of any contrary or additional terms you may seek to apply to the Material:

  1. You have disclosed the Material to Square Enix at your sole discretion; Square Enix has not solicited the disclosure of the Material.

  2. Square Enix will have no obligation to keep the Material confidential or proprietary, and shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of the Material.

  3. Square Enix may use or redistribute the Material (including any ideas therein) for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without any restriction, and without any compensation to you or any third party.

  4. Any physical copies of Materials you provide to Square Enix will automatically become the property of Square Enix.

  5. There is no obligation for Square Enix to review, keep, acknowledge, or return the Material. Square Enix may destroy or discard the Material.

  6. You are not submitting the Material for sale to Square Enix and Square Enix’s consideration or use of the Material is not conditioned on payment to you.

In this Policy, “Square Enix” refers to Square Enix Limited, Square Enix (2009) Limited, Square Enix of America Holdings, Inc., and their direct and indirect subsidiaries.

Square Enix may modify this Policy at any time by updating this website. Otherwise, the terms and conditions of this Policy may not be modified or waived except in written document signed by a duly-authorised Square Enix officer.