Manage your own planet and banish the shadow

Monday 2 October 2017 10:39
By Square Enix Team

Hello Square Enix Community and welcome to another of our pitches for the Collective feedback platform. Within this week's edition we have Deiland by CHIBIG which is heavily inspired by the hugely popular novella "The Little Prince" and games such as Stardew Valley, Dragon Quest and Harvest Moon. 

Deiland is set within a period where the universe was young and the children were sent to the minor planets to cultivate the power crystals set deep within their core. As Arco, the youngest of these children who inhabits the smallest of these planets known as Deiland, it's your duty to protect these children and their subsequent crystals from the shadow who stalks their dreams in an attempt to obtain the crystals. 

Deiland's gameplay utilises a wide variety of mechanics borrowed from adventure, role playing and sandbox genres. Equipped with little but your tent and trowel, you'll grow your tiny planet from a barren wasteland into a living, breathing world. Growing a planet is no easy feat though, and you'll have to complete a variety of tasks to keep your world in order.  From sowing seeds to produce food to building structures such as a laboratories and workshops, your little planet will present you with the necessary elements to banish the shadow and preserve the universe. 

If you're interested in the world of Deiland and want to interact with the developers about the project you can head over to the Collective page now to leave some feedback.
