OCTOPATH TRAVELER II Prologue demo out now for Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and Steam
Choose any protagonist and experience the first three hours of their adventure… and your progress carries over to the full game!
Want to play OCTOPATH TRAVELER II before release?
Good news then, because there’s a new demo for Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC via Steam. It’s a generous helping of the game with all eight characters playable and up to three hours of play time!
You can download it from the Nintendo eShoP, PlayStation Store and Steam today:
So what can you expect from the prologue demo? Read on and we’ll give you a little preview.
Before we look at the demo though, we should introduce the game for any new fans.
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II is a new RPG that lets you choose one of eight characters and set off on an adventure. Once the player has stepped into the protagonist’s shoes, it is up to them whether they simply pursue the goal of their journey or visit different regions to recruit the other characters.
It’s a completely standalone adventure - there’s no need to play the first game to enjoy this one. Of course, if you have, you’ll see how everything great about that game has been refined and improved in this game.
For example, the turn-based Break and Boost combat system returns, with new features like Latent Power attacks to make battles even more tactical and exciting. There’s a new setting to explore, with a day / night cycle that changes locations and the actions available to your heroes, more interactions between protagonists, and many more fantastic features.
And of course, it looks and sounds amazing too. The fantastic HD-2D art style pioneered by the original game has never looked better, and the soundtrack by Yasunori Nishiki is an utter delight.
It releases February 24, 2023, for Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC via Steam!
What’s in the OCTOPATH TRAVELER II prologue demo?
Your first task is to pick your primary protagonist. There are eight wildly different characters in the game, each with their own tales, and you can start with whichever one you like
You can choose between:
- Hikari the Warrior - the second prince of the nation of Ku who sets off on a journey for his war-torn homeland and its people.
- Agnea the Dancer - a young Dancer from a small village who sets off on a journey to become a star that brings smiles to the masses.
- Partitio the Merchant - a man with a scent for commerce who leaves his home to save the world through business.
- Osvald the Scholar - falsely imprisoned for murder, this scholar sets off on a quest to avenge his wife and daughter.
- Throné the Thief - a woman from a thieves guild who sets off on a journey to kill the leaders of the organisation, “Father” and “Mother”.
- Temenos the Cleric - a cleric serving as an inquisitor who sets off on a quest to investigate a tragic incident in his church.
- Ochette the Hunter - in order to prevent a catastrophe approaching her island, she sets off on a quest to find the three Creatures of Legend.
- Castti the Apothecary - a healer missing her memory, who sets off on a journey to rediscover her past and identity.
Once you’ve chosen your hero, you can dive into the game and start their adventure. During the demo, which you can play for up to three hours, you’ll get a chance to explore mechanics like Path Actions and experience a supremely satisfying combat system that’s based around storing up actions and exploiting enemy weaknesses.
Once three hours are up, you’ll have to stop playing - but don’t worry, you can start again with a new character if you want to (please note that apart from the autosave, there’s only one save slot in the demo version. You’ll have to overwrite the first slot if you want to start a new journey and save that data).
Regardless, your saved data will carry over to the full game (provided you play on the same platform, obviously), so you’ll be able to continue your adventures from February 24, 2023, when OCTOPATH TRAVELER II launches.
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II will be available both physically and digitally for Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4, and digitally on PC via Steam.
In addition to the standard edition of the game, a physical Collector’s Edition Set is available to pre-order for Nintendo Switch, PS5 andPS4, exclusively via the Square Enix Store.
This set includes the following items:
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II ART ALBUM - This art book features a collection of package art, world maps, and illustrations depicting eight travelers and their Crossed Path. The pages are specially bound to open flat at 180 degrees, making it very easy to view and appreciate the full-size spreads. The cover has a smooth matte finish with foil stamping giving the book a luxurious feel.
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II –Extended Battle Tracks– - This mini OST includes 24 variations of Extended Battle Tracks, with unique intro melodies for each of the eight protagonists, which play when taking on a strong foe. This is a special CD with song variations not included in the complete soundtrack which will be sold separately.
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II Travelers Bust Set - A set of bust figures depicting the eight travelers, the protagonists of the title. The striking expressions in their respective gazes foreshadow each of their journeys about to begin
Quantities are limited, so order now to avoid disappointment:
We hope you enjoy the demo. There’s not long to wait before the full game is out, so be sure to visit the official website and follow us on social media for news, updates and even more glimpses of the full game.