New Sleeping Dogs Year of the Snake story content

Tuesday March 12, 2013 16:14
By Square Enix Team

Wei Shen has been cleaning up the streets of Hong Kong using his err... somewhat unorthodox set of skills - and it hasn't gone unnoticed by the Hong Kong Police Department. Wei's responsible for a total of 222,664,707 vehicular kills by our count, so it's time he was chained to the law-abiding responsibilities of a beat-cop. Wei's pork bun-hating superiors thought that would keep him out of trouble, but - as it happens - trouble has a habit of finding Wei.

Year of the Snake follows the continuing story of Wei Shen as he discovers a plot to bomb, terrorise and subdue the citizens of Hong Kong. A doomsday clan - known as the Cult of the Snake - aims to rid the city of evil as they pursue a murderous path to their righteous salvation. He might just be patrolling the sidewalk, but with the addition of an electroshock pistol and tear gas launcher, Wei aims to earn back his honour with the HKPD. 

Year of the Snake is available now on Xbox Live for 560 MSP; PlayStation 3 and PC for £4.39/$6.99/€5.49.
