7 perfect pirates in Square Enix games

Yarrr and yo ho me hearties! Let’s celebrate some sensational Square Enix swashbucklers!
Thursday February 20, 2025 15:00
By Duncan Heaney

Yarrr and yo ho me hearties! For some reason, I've been thinking about pirates lately. Can't imagine why.

There’s something romantic and glamorous about the classic pirate… at least the fictional archetype. They represent freedom, riches and a life of adventure. It’s no wonder they appear in so many videogames!

Square Enix games are no different - the games are full of sensational swashbucklers - both heroic and villainous. Today, we thought we’d celebrate just a few of our favorites

Faris - FINAL FANTASY V Pixel Remaster

This pink-haired buccaneer is the captain of a group of pirates - and she’s every bit as tough as that position implies.  

She certainly fits the pirate profile - coarse, brash, and ruthless to boot. When we first encounter her in FINAL FANTASY V, she thinks nothing of holding the team, especially Princess Lenna, to ransom. It’s only when she discovers that Lenna has the same type of pendant that she decides to join the party instead.

Of course, Faris does have a softer side. She’s shown to care greatly about her friends, particularly the sea beast Syldra, and her growing bond with the party leads her to have their backs in some pretty extreme situations.

In short, it’s easy to see why she commands such loyalty from her crew. She’s a mighty pirate through and through!


One of the joys of the KINGDOM HEARTS series is seeing how Sora, Donald and Goofy’s appearance can change across different worlds. After all, they have to protect the world order.

When they travel to The Caribbean in KINGDOM HEARTS III, they go full pirate ensemble. Sora in particular fits right in - tricorn hat and all. He even gets to command the ship and engage the Heartless with cannons on the high seas. It’s all gloriously piratey!

True, he’s probably one of the more noble-hearted pirates sailing those seas, especially compared to the likes of Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa, but he’s undeniably a brilliant buccaneer!


Bikke has a unique claim to fame - he was the first pirate in the FINAL FANTASY series. He would not be the last.

You encounter the crusty corsair after his pirates have attacked the town of Pravoka. When he meets your heroic Warriors of Light, it seems inevitable that you’ll cross swords (or staves, knives, or fists, depending on your chosen jobs). If you manage to take him down, he’ll realize the error of his ways and give you his ship. Now you can freely sail the seas!

Bikke also appears in STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN. He’s a more fleshed out figure here, with his piratical personality shining through much more clearly. He’s also very dangerous - he hits like a sledgehammer (and essentially with one) - plus just like in FINAL FANTASY, he’s not afraid to get his crew in on the action.

Even so, if the chaos-hating Jack Garland and his friends can overcome his challenge, and earn his respect, he may just become a useful ally.

Long John Silverbones - DRAGON QUEST TREASURES 

Buried treasure is everywhere you look in DRAGON QUEST TREASURES’ world of Draconia. It’s a paradise for pirates!

Long John Silverbones is the captain of the Thunderous Plunderers, one of the nastiest gangs around. Once he searched for treasure alongside his friend Captain Levanter, but as his lust for power and insatiable greed led him to betray his comrade. Now the two are fierce rivals.

He’s an adversary that new treasure hunters Erik and Mia have to face too - and he doesn’t play fair. Whether it’s fending off assaults from the gang, or taking him on in battle directly, the sibling protagonists have a tough challenge on their hands.

Henrique - Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven

With his big captain’s hat and flowing jacket, Henrique from Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven gives off strong pirate vibes - even if he’s not technically a pirate.

Still, corsairs like him are expert seafarers, and should you as Emperor be able to recruit him to sail under the banner of your empire, he and his people will make for excellent allies.

He may be a man of the sea, but don’t think Henrique’s incapable as a landlubber. His speed and agility make him a powerful front-line melee fighter. Just… don’t expect him to use spells - Henrique and magic go together like oil and water.


Who said you had to sail the seas to be a pirate? In FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE, airships are the way to travel, which makes this terrific twosome sky pirates!

Balthier is a self-proclaimed ‘leading man’ - a charming rogue who travels the world of Ivalice in search of profit and adventure in his airship, the Strahl. Beneath the swagger and bluster though, he’s intelligent, cunning, and surprisingly reliable. When dragged into the game’s central conflict, he proves to be an invaluable member of the party, leading man or not.

Of course, we can’t talk about Balthier without also mentioning his steadfast partner Fran. Although she’s mysterious and quiet, this Viera is invaluable to the smooth running of the Strahl - and it’s captain. Her mechanical skills keep the boat afloat, and her fierce loyalty to Balthier makes the two a hugely effective team.

The partnership makes them one of the most effective pirate teams in gaming!

Well shiver me timbers - those certainly were seven arrrw-some pirates, we think you’ll agree. If you’re in the mood for some high adventure, you should check out some of these games and enjoy experiencing the pirate lifestyle for yourselves.

Of course, you may have suggestions of your own. Be sure to let us know them on social media:
