Last Updated: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:00


Last Updated: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:00

October 17th, 2024

FINAL FANTASY XVI PC Version Update 1.02

A new version update (1.02) is now available for download on Steam and the Epic Games Store. This update implements various changes to system settings while addressing several known gameplay issues.

Change Log:

  • A cursor lock option has been added to Settings in the Main Menu. Default is set to ON.
  • Timing for the shutter click sound effect when taking screenshots has been adjusted.
  • Help text for Photo Mode has been tweaked to improve clarity.
  • Shadow Quality settings have been adjusted to include cloud quality at all three levels—low, medium, and high—instead of only at high. This should improve performance when low or medium is selected.
  • Graphical Fidelity settings have been adjusted to improve overall game performance.

The following have also been addressed:

  • Issues with mouse scrolling when using aspect ratio settings other than 16:9.
  • Issues with locking on during the Eikonic Feat Blind Justice when using aspect ratio settings other than 16:9.
  • Issues with in-game access point interaction when using borderless window mode in conjunction with aspect ratio settings other than 16:9.
  • Issues with the last device used not remaining active when playing with multiple controllers.
  • Graphics not displaying properly on certain screens.
  • Issues with UI continuity.
  • Unexpected crashes with select hardware setups.
  • Other minor issues.

September 26th, 2024

FINAL FANTASY XVI PC Version Update 1.01

The latest update (ver. 1.01) for the Steam and Epic Game Store versions of FINAL FANTASY XVI is now available for download. This update aims to improve game stability, add controller options, and address several other issues.

Game Stability
Resolved an issue wherein the frame rate would drop under certain conditions.

Enabled Bluetooth connectivity for DualSense and DUALSHOCK controllers.

The following issues have been addressed:

  • Character graphics not displaying properly on certain screens.
  • Issues with the UI.
  • Instances of incorrect text displaying.
  • Errors in the ending credits.
  • Instances in which the game would close unexpectedly upon executing certain commands.
  • Instances in which the game would close unexpectedly under certain conditions.

September 10th, 2024

FINAL FANTASY XVI PC Demo Version Update 1.02

An update file (version 1.02) for the FINAL FANTASY XVI PC Demo has been released and is ready for download on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

The following adjustment has been made to improve gameplay stability:

  • Fixed stuttering issue.

The following issues have also been addressed:

  • Certain characters not being displayed properly.
  • User adjustments to the graphics setting "Screen Space Reflection" not being properly applied.
  • User adjustments to the graphics setting "Variable Rate Shading" (VRS) not being properly applied.
  • Screen mode settings not being saved on certain hardware environments.

These fixes will be applied to the forthcoming release version as well as the demo.

August 22nd, 2024

FINAL FANTASY XVI PC Demo Version Update 1.01

An update has been released for the FINAL FANTASY XVI PC demo available on Steam and Epic Games Store, introducing a number of improvements and adjustments to the game.

Improvements have been made to DLSS, FSR, and XeSS quality.
This should help to alleviate various graphical issues such as blurring (DLSS/XeSS) and pixelation (FSR).

The following issues have also been addressed:

  • Dynamic Resolution being locked on the lowest setting.
  • Enemies not appearing properly in certain battle content.
  • Graphics not displaying properly on certain stages.
  • Graphical tearing in certain instances when using borderless screen mode.
  • SFX not playing properly under certain conditions.
  • UI not displaying properly under certain conditions.
  • Screen resolution changing under certain conditions.
  • Rare instances of GPU crashes.
  • Other minor issues.

We are currently aware of instances of stuttering on certain PC environments, and are investigating the issue.

June 6th, 2024

Update Version 1.33 is now available for download.
Update content is detailed below.

Version 1.33

■ System

  • Color-coding added to custom controller layout button assignment to improve visibility.

■ Others

The following issues have been addressed:

  • Incorrect enemy hitboxes for certain battle content
  • Enemies in certain battles not behaving properly under certain conditions
  • Precision Sic not behaving properly when used in conjunction with certain abilities
  • Minor, non-lore impacting inconsistencies within Vivian's State of the Realm report
  • Incorrect information within Vivian's State of the Realm report.
  • Ability execution on all controller layout types being limited to buttons assigned to Ready Eikonic Abilities (Hold) + Attack / Magic
  • Certain commands not functioning properly when using a custom controller layout.
  • Minor spelling and grammar mistakes.

May 9th, 2024

We announce the release of update 1.32, which addresses several critical issues.

Version 1.32

The following issues have been addressed:

  • A rare instance in New Game + of party members not being displayed, preventing progress beyond the main scenario quest "A Chance Encounter."
  • An issue preventing players from obtaining the achievements "Yes, Eikon" and "Masterclass."
  • Incorrect conditions being required for obtaining the achievement "Such Dodge, So Mega."
  • A rare instance of the game crashing under certain conditions.

April 18th, 2024

We announce the release of update 1.31, which makes a number of changes and improvements to the game. The update also allows for the purchase and installation of the DLC package The Rising Tide.

Link: https://na.finalfantasyxvi.com/

An unmarked letter arrives at the hideaway containing a request most curious: the Dominant of Leviathan, long lost Eikon of Water, is in need of rescue. To heed this call, Clive and his companions must journey to Mysidia—a hidden land under a blue sky—where they will uncover the tragic history of a forgotten people. Please visit the official website for more information.

Version 1.31

The following content is available to all players:

Additional In-game Content

  • Orchestrion rolls added to regional shops.
    Rolls available depend on main scenario progress.

Battle Adjustments

  • Player ATK increased outside of select Eikon battles.
  • Quality of life UI additions made in certain Eikon battles.

Eikonic Ability & Feat Adjustments

  • Two instances of ball lightning will fire when exacting Ramuh's Eikonic Feat Blind Justice.
  • Ball lightning affixed to enemies is now detonated via the feat button rather than attacking.
  • Clive now moves faster while using Blind Justice.
  • Clive can now dodge while using Blind Justice.
  • Clive recovers poise more quickly after exacting Blind Justice.
  • When canceling Bahamut's Eikonic Feat Wings of Light, the Megaflare charge will only deplete to the next gauge level.
  • A dodge is conducted when initiating Wings of Light.
  • Successfully dodging an enemy attack when initiating Wings of Light will trigger a Megaflare Dodge.
  • Parry animation when using Odin's Eikonic Feat Arm of Darkness has been changed.
  • The minimum jump height for initiating Stomp has been lowered.
  • The direction Clive faces after using Swift Recovery has been adjusted.
  • Limit Break attacks now lift enemies instead of knocking them back.
  • Gouge damage is increased.
  • Gouge will damage is increased.
  • Gouge recast time is reduced.
  • Aerial Blast now dispels certain ranged magic attacks.
  • Aerial Blast will damage is increased.
  • Windup area of effect is increased.
  • Earthen Fury recast time is reduced.
  • Flare Breath now dispels certain ranged magic attacks.
  • Flare Breath now lifts enemies instead of knocking them back when canceling the ability.
  • Flare Breath damage is increased.
  • Satellite damage is increased.
  • Satellite recast time is reduced.
  • Satellite will damage is increased.
  • Ice Age damage is increased.
  • Ice Age will damage is increased.
  • Ice crystal generated when using Rime will now better draw in nearby enemies.
  • Rime will damage is increased.
  • Gungnir recast time is reduced.
  • Gungnir will damage is increased.
  • Heaven's Cloud chained follow-up attacks can now be focused on a single enemy by locking on to the enemy.
  • Heaven's Cloud will damage is increased.
  • Heaven's Cloud recast time is reduced.

Accessory Adjustments

  • Effectiveness of the following accessories has been improved:
    • Favor of Wind (Gouge)
    • Favor of Wind +1 (Gouge)
    • Breath of Earth (Earthen Fury)
    • Breath of Earth +1 (Earthen Fury)
    • Breath of Darkness (Gungnir)
    • Breath of Darkness +1 (Gungnir)
    • Breath of Darkness (Heaven's Cloud)
    • Breath of Darkness +1 (Heaven's Cloud)
    • Cavall's Fang
    • Cavall's Fang +1
    • Cavall's Bite

Other Changes to Actions

  • Alleviated rare issue of Clive jumping when accessing objects under certain conditions.
  • Made adjustments to when Torgal can be petted and lowered time before re-petting.
  • Made adjustments to calculations for amount of damage taken when near death.


  • A "Quick Complete" function has been added, giving players the option to warp directly to a quest-giver upon completing a quest's final objective.

  • A new quest icon icon has been assigned to quests which reward collectables.

  • Ability Point awards for certain sidequests have been increased.

  • Additional cutscenes have been added to certain sidequests.

  • Minor changes have been made to cutscene staging.

  • New NPCs have been added to certain settlements.


  • Added "Custom" controller type.
    Go to Controller Layout on the System tab in the Main Menu to freely assign functionality to the buttons on your controller.

  • Skill Sets have been added.
    Players can now save up to 5 skill sets. Swap between sets with L1/R1.

  • The following functionality has been added to Photo Mode:

    • Focal Distance adjustability in Depth of Field setting
    • Tone Correction
    • Screen Effects
    • Portrait Mode
    • 90-degree rotation in Roll functionality

  • Minor updates and additions to the Thousand Tomes.

  • Visual updates to the State of the Realm timeline slider.

  • Updates and additions to the UI and various menus.

Bug Fixes

  • The following issues have addressed:
    • Graphics not appearing correctly in certain cutscenes
    • Incorrect character motion in certain cutscenes
    • Inability to progress in certain quests
    • Progression markers not displaying properly
    • NPC names not properly updating in conjunction with game progression
    • Problems with menu functionality when speaking with NPCs
    • Enemies not acting properly in certain battles under certain conditions
    • Issues with camera work in certain battles
    • Enemy effects not displaying properly in certain battles under certain conditions
    • Enemy names not appearing properly under certain conditions
    • Certain abilities not hitting targets properly
    • Precision sic not executing properly with certain abilities
    • Certain ability effects not displaying properly under certain conditions
    • Issues with camera work during certain abilities
    • Instances of limit break/ability effects not properly triggering
    • Auto Torgal not functioning properly in the Hall of Virtue (training mode)
    • Issues with party ally AI
    • Collision detection in certain stages and fields
    • Issues with character motion
    • State of the Realm menu icons not updating or displaying properly
    • Slight discrepancies in State of the Realm content
    • Rare instances of past State of the Realm content being unavailable for viewing
    • Graphics not displaying properly in Photo Mode when using certain photography methods
    • Text and Icons not displaying properly on the world map under certain conditions
    • Instances of current location not displaying properly on world map
    • Instances of region map icons not displaying properly
    • Instances of controller vibration and adaptive trigger functionality not working properly
    • Menu layout not displaying when switching between languages
    • Config settings not changing properly when restoring defaults
    • Incorrect screenshots and videos in certain tutorials
    • Tutorials not appearing at proper times
    • Inability to obtain certain redeemable items when starting New Game+
    • Notices not appearing at proper times
    • Instances of sound effects not playing at proper times
    • Various spelling and grammar mistakes
    • Various instances of game crashes

December 8th, 2023

We announce the release of update 1.21, which makes a number of changes and improvements to the game. The update also allows for the purchase and installation of the DLC package Echoes of the Fallen.

Link: https://na.finalfantasyxvi.com/

Echoes of the Fallen is an all-new story chapter in which Clive and his allies lead an investigation into strange, shadowy crystals that have recently appeared on the black market. The package features not only a new storyline, but also a new replayable stage, new equipment, an increased level cap, and more.
Please visit the official website for more information.

Version 1.21

This update is available for all users, and makes the following changes:

Additional Features

  • Adds a new Inner Voice option to the Grand Cast menu, which can be viewed upon inquiring with Vivian about the State of the Realm.
    Hover the cursor over a character and press the touchpad to view their inner feelings toward their allies and enemies. See how each character's feelings change as the story progresses.

  • Adds several new orchestrion rolls.
    These can be obtained from in-game vendors after progressing a certain way through the story.

Changes to Arcade Mode

  • Adds a technical bonus feature that increases battle performance scores.
    Attacking enemies and performing a variety of battle techniques fills the technical bonus gauge, which increases your score multiplier each time it crosses a certain threshold. The gauge depletes over time or upon taking damage.

  • Adds new accolades.
    These can be earned by clearing stages within a certain time limit or with a final battle performance score above a certain threshold.

  • Adjusts ranking thresholds over individual legs and stages.
    The changes described above allow players to earn higher battle performance scores than they could previously. The ranking thresholds are adjusted to account for this.

  • Introduces a new leaderboard.
    All scores earned after the update is installed will be recorded to this new leaderboard.

  • Allows you to view leaderboards and rankings from previous versions.

  • Adjusts the difficulty level of Ultimaniac stages.

  • Adds and adjusts explanations of various features.

Changes to Training Mode

  • Adds an Immediate Takedown option.
    With this option turned on, attacks will reduce an enemy's will gauge by 50%, allowing you to partially stagger enemies with a single attack, then fully stagger them with a second attack.

  • Adds a Megaflare Level option.
    This option allows you to fix your Megaflare level to any value.

  • Adds a Zantetsuken Level option.
    This option allows you to fix your Zantetsuken level to any value.

System-related Changes

  • Adds a Photo Mode shortcut option.
    This option, accessible from the Game Settings tab of the System menu, allows you to launch Photo Mode by pressing the touchpad with two fingers.

  • Adds the ability to enter Photo Mode from the pause screen.
    This allows photos to be taken during cutscenes, with certain exceptions.

  • Adds the option to retry from the Game Over screen when Clive is defeated by a notorious mark.
    Retrying will return Clive to the point immediately before the battle with the notorious mark began.

  • Allows you to examine the details of the rewards available from the Patron's Whisper in the hideaway.

  • Adds the option to filter save data in the Load Game tab of the System menu.
    Press □ to cycle between the following filtering options: Show All Saves, Show Auto-saves, and Show Manual Saves.

  • Adds a Credits option to the title menu.
    This option, which allows you to view the credits sequence, becomes available after completing the game.

  • Adds and adjusts various UI elements.

Bug Fixes

Corrects the following issues:

  • Several issues wherein graphical elements did not display correctly during cutscenes.
  • Several issues wherein certain NPC animations were incorrect during certain quests.
  • Several issues wherein certain NPCs became positioned incorrectly under specific conditions during certain quests.
  • Several issues wherein progress became impossible in certain quests under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein quest objectives and destination markers did not display correctly in certain quests.
  • Several issues wherein NPC dialogue was incorrect in certain quests.
  • Several issues wherein the reward of ability points was incorrect in certain quests.
  • An issue wherein the demontamer's armguards were impossible to obtain.
  • Several issues wherein enemies did not behave correctly under specific conditions during battle.
  • Several issues wherein collision detection did not behave correctly under specific conditions during battle.
  • Several issues wherein the camera did not behave correctly under specific conditions during battle.
  • Several issues wherein the frame rate dropped significantly during battle.
  • Several issues wherein abilities or limit breaks did not trigger correctly under specific conditions during battle.
  • Several issues wherein accessory effects did not trigger correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein the menu did not display or update correctly in Chronolith trials.
  • An issue wherein the conditions to achieve the Mark of the Jongleur accolades were incorrect in Chronolith trials.
  • Several issues wherein the menu did not display or update correctly in Arcade Mode.
  • An issue wherein Clive's clothing did not display correctly under specific conditions in Training Mode.
  • Several issues wherein menu navigation did not behave correctly under specific conditions in Training Mode.
  • Several issues wherein the AI of companion NPCs did not behave correctly.
  • Several issues wherein parkour animations did not trigger correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein graphical elements and collision surfaces were set incorrectly in explorable areas and replayable stages.
  • Several issues wherein location names displayed at incorrect points in explorable areas and replayable stages.
  • An issue wherein certain menu screens flickered when the Graphics Settings option was set to Frame Rate.
  • Several issues wherein character animations did not trigger correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein Active Time Lore elements did not update at the correct timing.
  • Several issues wherein menu elements did not display or update correctly in Vivian's State of the Realm.
  • Several issues wherein menu elements did not display or update correctly in Harpocrates's Thousand Tomes.
  • Several issues wherein entries in the Thousand Tomes did not update at the correct timing.
  • Several issues wherein Torgal's Animal Instinct did not function correctly under specific conditions.
  • An issue wherein graphical elements did not display correctly in Photo Mode under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein areas failed to unlock on the world map under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein text and icons did not display correctly on the world map under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein the camera did not behave correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein the wireless controller vibration and adaptive triggers did not function correctly under specific conditions.
  • An issue wherein progress towards the trophy Here Be Rosfields did not display correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein incorrect images and videos appeared in tutorial slides.
  • Several issues wherein important notifications did not display correctly under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein audio elements did not trigger under specific conditions.
  • Several issues wherein the game would freeze under specific conditions.
  • Several minor text issues.

December 1st, 2023

Update to the Arcade Mode Leaderboard

At 2 p.m. JST on 8th December 2023 (subject to change), an update will be released which adjusts the method by which battle performance scores are calculated in Arcade Mode.

It will also introduce a new leaderboard to which all new scores will be recorded. Please note that after installing the update, you will no longer be able to record scores to the old leaderboard.

A further announcement will be made at the time of the update's release detailing its content.

September 3rd, 2023

We announce the release of update 1.10, which makes a number of improvements to the game.
This update adds a feature that allows you to change certain characters' appearances, as well as making several adjustments to game balance, including an update to how scores are calculated in Arcade Mode.
It also fixes some issues and adds new functionality based on player feedback.
We recommend that you install this update before playing FINAL FANTASY XVI.

This update:

  • Adds an Appearance feature to the Arete Stone in the hideaway.
    • This allows you to change the costumes of several characters, including Clive.
    • It also allows you to change the appearance of the weapon Clive wields to that of any weapon previously obtained.
    • This feature is unlocked after progressing to a certain point in the story, and is not available at the start of a New Game+ playthrough until the same point is reached.
    • Please note that this feature is disabled in some scenes in order to maintain loading speed.
  • Awards each player an onion sword, which can be claimed by accessing Redeemable Items from the System menu.
    • This allows Clive to wield the favored blade of the Warriors of Light, heroes of FINAL FANTASY III.
    • The Redeemable Items feature is unlocked after progressing to a certain point in the story.
    • The onion sword has the same attributes as the other downloadable weapons, Braveheart and the blood sword.
  • Reduces the time after a successful parry at which Eikonic abilities can be activated.
  • Increases the time small enemies remain vulnerable to follow-up attacks after being lifted into the air by the player, allowing for easier aerial combos.
  • Adds ability cooldown times to the relevant Details pages in the Abilities menu, including information on how these are affected by currently equipped accessories.
  • Makes the following changes to the training options menu in the Arete Stone's Hall of Virtue:
    • Adds several options regarding Torgal's behavior.
    • Adds an option to restart the simulation from the original settings.
    • Fixes some text issues.
  • Makes the following changes to Arcade Mode:
    • Adds a time limit to each stage.
      • This change is intended to correct an issue wherein certain abilities could be used to continually amass points over time, allowing for scores greater than envisioned.
      • You can continue to play as normal after the time limit is exceeded, but any further actions will not add to your score.
    • Reduces the scores awarded by the abilities Rime and Gouge.
      • Please note that in this and future updates, we plan to adjust the scoring system in order to reward the creative chaining of multiple abilities. We will continue to assess how scores in Arcade Mode are calculated in order to maintain its challenge.
    • Introduces a new leaderboard for players who have this update installed. Players who do not install the update can continue to view and record their high scores to the old leaderboard.
      • After installing this update, you will no longer be able to view or record high scores to the old leaderboard. However, scores recorded to the previous leaderboard will not be deleted. We plan to make previous leaderboards visible to all players in a future update.
  • Makes the following changes to the System menu:
    • Adds an Adaptive Triggers option to the Game Settings menu, which allows you to turn the wireless controller's trigger effect function on or off.
    • Adds a Target Cycle option to the Game Settings menu, which allows you to choose one of four different methods of changing targets while locked on to an enemy.
    • Adjusts the functionality of the Player Follow (Attack) option in the Camera Settings menu, in order to correct an issue wherein the camera position would reset after some attacks even when this option was turned off.
    • Adds a Controller Volume option to the Sound Settings menu, which allows you to adjust the volume of sound effects played through the wireless controller's speaker.
    • Adjusts the functionality of the Visual Alerts option in the Sound Settings menu, so that a preview of the alerts is displayed when the setting is turned on, and a confirmation dialog appears when the setting is changed.
    • Fixes some text issues.
  • Fixes the following issues:
    • An issue wherein enemies' actions did not trigger correctly in boss encounters under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein the collision detection threshold could be crossed in boss encounters under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein certain characters' actions did not trigger correctly.
    • An issue wherein notorious marks did not appear under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein notorious marks appeared in different locations to that indicated on the hunt board.
    • An issue wherein holding down the touch pad button would display the local map when the Wireless Controller Layout option was set to Type F.
    • An issue wherein certain weapons could not be crafted in Final Fantasy mode, as the materials required to craft them were not available in that mode.
    • A multi-language issue wherein certain entries in The Thousand Tomes could not be found using the Search by Name function.
    • An issue wherein game progress was not correctly carried over when transferring save data from the demo version to the full version.
    • Several minor text issues.

August 25th, 2023

Future Update to Arcade Mode

An update will be made to Arcade Mode on Sunday 3rd, September 2023 at around 12:00 JST (subject to change).

The update will:

  • Adjust how scores are calculated in Arcade Mode.
  • Add a new leaderboard for players with the update installed.
    • Please note that after installing the update, all new scores will be recorded to the new leaderboard. You will no longer be able to view or record scores to the old leaderboard.

An announcement will be made explaining the specific changes at the time the update is released.

July 6th, 2023

We announced the release of update 1.03, which makes a number of improvements to the game.
This update fixes some issues and adds some new functionality.
We recommend that you install this update before playing FINAL FANTASY XVI.

This update:

  • Adds the following items to the System tab of the Main Menu:
    • Motion Blur Strength
      Allows the player to adjust the strength of the motion blur effect when the character or camera is in motion. The default setting is the maximum of 5. This can be lowered to reduce the strength of the motion blur effect, or set to 0 to turn it off completely.
    • Player Follow (Movement)
    • Player Follow (Attack)
      Turning these settings off prevents the camera from automatically following the player while moving and attacking respectively.
  • Changes the maximum setting of the Camera Sensitivity (Horizontal) and Camera Sensitivity (Vertical) items from 10 to 20.
  • Adds three new controller layouts: types D, E, and F.
  • Corrects an issue that affected the stability of some menus.
  • Corrects some text issues.
  • Adds the hashtag #FF16 when sharing screenshots or video clips on Twitter or YouTube.

June 20th, 2023

We announce the release of update 1.02, which makes a number of improvements to the game.
This update fixes some rarely occurring issues and improves performance.
We recommend that you install this update before playing FINAL FANTASY XVI.

This update:

  • corrects an issue wherein progression could become blocked under very specific circumstances,
  • corrects an issue wherein the game could close unexpectedly under very specific circumstances,
  • further optimizes gameplay performance, and
  • corrects some minor text issues.