DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 - Materials Usage Guidelines
Last Updated: Friday, May 3, 2019 at 09:00

DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 - Materials Usage Guidelines

Last Updated: Friday, May 3, 2019 at 09:00

SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. (“SQUARE ENIX”) permits you to use Materials (defined below) related to SQUARE ENIX’s video game DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 in a non-commercial context only provided that you adhere to these guidelines (“Guidelines”).

Please read these guidelines carefully. By making any use of the Materials, you agree to the terms and conditions contained herein.

Permitted Uses

All content relating to DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2, including but not limited to gameplay footage, still images, characters and music (the “Materials”), is the property either of a collaboration of authors including SQUARE ENIX, or of individual rights holders who have given SQUARE ENIX the necessary permissions for their work to be used in DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2. On the terms set out in these Guidelines, SQUARE ENIX permits you to use the Materials for the Permitted Uses (defined below) subject to the “Conditions and Exclusions” section below. The use of the Materials in any other context other than the Permitted Uses, and/or use of any other materials owned and/or controlled by SQUARE ENIX, is not permitted.

SQUARE ENIX hereby grants you a limited revocable licence to use the Materials for the following “Permitted Purposes”: (i) creating videos featuring DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 gameplay (including background music) (“Gameplay Videos”); and (ii) sharing the Gameplay Videos online in a non-commercial context only, including uploading the Gameplay Videos to video sharing websites such as YouTube and sharing URLs and thumbnails relating to the Gameplay Videos on personal blogs and Twitter feeds (provided that the foregoing is done in a non-commercial context). You will not receive any ownership or other rights to the Materials, or any derivative works created from the Materials.

Copyright Notice

The following copyright information must be clearly displayed on all Gameplay Videos and any other publicly shared content incorporating the Materials:

© 2018-2019 ARMOR PROJECT/BIRD STUDIO/SQUARE ENIX All Rights Reserved.

Note: When sharing videos and screenshots using the PlayStation®4 SHARE function, this information will be added automatically.

You may not alter, remove, or conceal any trademark or copyright notices that may be included in the Materials.

Conditions and Exclusions

  • You agree:
    • not to use the Materials for any sales or commercial use (including the promotion of other commercial products);
    • not to use any Materials in conjunction with any of the following: unapproved Square Enix assets; counterfeit merchandise; pornography; unlicensed Square Enix music available for streaming or download, or links to unlicensed Square Enix music available for streaming or download;
    • not to use any Materials for any other purpose that is illegal or is likely to bring the Square Enix name or the Materials into disrepute;
    • not to use any Materials in a way that would or could violate any public policies, including but not limited to creating depictions that are obscene/lewd, violent, or otherwise offensive or objectionable;
    • not to use any Materials to discriminate against any person or group of people based on race, creed, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, disability, age, or any other sensitive characteristic; or to insult, abuse, defame, harass, annoy, frighten, or threaten;to immediately comply with any request from SQUARE ENIX to remove any Materials from any shared content, regardless of whether or not any reason for the request is provided. SQUARE ENIX reserves the right to require removal of any content incorporating the Materials that it deems to be inappropriate in its sole discretion.
  • In order not to spoil other users’ enjoyment of DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2, all content that includes details of major plot developments must be marked with a clear spoiler warning.
  • Streaming or uploading video or screenshots of any scene where gameplay recording is blocked in the PlayStation®4 version of DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 is not permitted.
  • Creating edited video content or playlists with the sole intention of showing cinematic scenes (as opposed to gameplay) from DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 is not permitted.
  • Extracting music from the DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2, or creating edited video content or playlists with the sole intention of listening to the DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 music, is not permitted.
  • Sharing the Materials and/or Gameplay Videos using pay-to-view services is not permitted.
  • Making secondary use of Materials, regardless of whether or not it is made in a non-commercial context, is not permitted. For example, collating Materials posted by the other player(s) and re-distribute such materials, such as pamphlets, to the public.

General Provisions

  • These terms and conditions will remain in effect for as long as you use the Materials. SQUARE ENIX reserves the express right to revoke the licence granted herein at any time without notice. Upon termination of such licence, you agree to stop using the Materials.
  • To the extent permissible under local law, the Materials are provided “as-is” and SQUARE ENIX, its affiliates, and their licensors disclaim any and all warranties related to the Materials, including any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, misappropriation of intellectual property rights, or freedom from computer viruses or malicious content.
  • SQUARE ENIX makes no guarantees relating to the posting of the Materials online including, but not limited to, infringement of third-party rights.
  • SQUARE ENIX accepts no liability and shall not be held responsible for making good any damages arising out of or related to the use of the Materials.
  • You may not assign, transfer, license, charge, or deal with any of your rights under this Agreement.
  • SQUARE ENIX may modify these Guidelines at any time without prior notice.