Last Updated: Friday, July 22, 2022 at 00:00


Last Updated: Friday, July 22, 2022 at 00:00



A. Official Rules: The Official Rules for this Promotion consist of both (i) these key rules summarizing the important rules for participating in the Promotion (the “Key Rules”) and (ii) the Additional Promotion Official Rules (“Additional Rules”) applicable to your place of legal residence. Please review the Additional Rules at the following URL:

B. Territories: This Promotion is open only to individuals who are legal residents and physically and permanently located in one of the following countries/territories at the date and time of entry (the “Promotion Jurisdiction”):

  • The fifty (50) states of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
  • Canada (excluding Quebec).

C. Age Limit: This Promotion is open only to individuals 18 years of age or older, and who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence, at the date and time of entry.

D. Entry Period: You may enter the Promotion only between July 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM (PDT) and August 4, 2022 at 11:59 PM (PDT) (the “Entry Period”).

E. Entry Procedure and Limitations: In order to enter the Promotion, you must complete the following steps during the Entry Period:

Tournament Eligibility and Sign-Up

  • Have a FINAL FANTASY VII: The First Soldier (the “Game”) global account, on the North American server. The Game is available for free. Please note you must be a legal resident and physically and permanently located in one of the Promotion Jurisdictions in order to be eligible to enter the Tournament.
  • Have a Discord account and be connected to the official Game Tournament (defined below) Discord server (Discord accounts are available for free). You will need to be connected to the official Game Tournament Discord for the Preliminary Round (defined below) and throughout the rest of the Tournament (defined below).
  • The tournament will consist of in-Game Qualifier Rounds, Preliminary Rounds, a finals 1 round, and a finals 2 round (collectively the “Tournament”).
  • You must have a team of three (3) players, including yourself. At least one (1) member on the team must have a team rank of “Elite Trooper” or higher, by the end of the registration period, in order for the team to be eligible (each such team a “Team”).
    • PLEASE NOTE: Your Team must have three (3) players. If your Team consists of only two (2) players or less, your Team will be disqualified.
  • One (1) person on each team must be designated as the Team leader (the “Team Leader”). The other two persons on the Team will each be Team members (the “Team Members”).
  • Each team member must separately sign up for the Tournament via the Registration form (the “Registration Form”), accessible on the official Tournament website. Additionally:
    • Each team member must submit all Team Members’ account IDs and account username in the Registration Form.
  • You must participate in the Qualifier Rounds (defined below) with your full Team (i.e. one (1) Team Leader and two (2) Team Members).
  • All matches must be played on the Game’s North American servers in order to be eligible for participation in the Tournament.

Point System

  • Points are accumulated through eliminating other players in a given round, and a Team’s overall placement in a given round.
  • Each elimination is worth two (2) points (“Elimination Points”). The following is the point breakdown per overall placement in a given round (the “Placement Points”):

Point system

  • The combination of a Team’s total Elimination Points and their overall Placement Points will be the team’s overall score (the “Score Points”).

In-Game Qualifier Rounds

  • Eligible Teams will compete in In-Game Qualifier Rounds (the “Qualifier Rounds”) between August 12, 2022 at 9:00 AM PDT and August 14, 2022 at 10:59 PM.
  • All Qualifier Rounds will follow the “Ranked Match Team” Game mode rules for each Qualifier Round match.
  • During the Qualifier Rounds, Teams will participate in “rank matches”. The top seventy-five (75) Teams with the highest Score Points, within a single “rank match”, will move on to the Preliminary Rounds.
    • By way of example:
      • A Team decides to play only two (2) matches during the Qualifier Rounds. In the Team’s first match they place in 2nd, scoring twenty-eight (28) Placement Points, and acquire ten (10) Elimination Points. The Team’s Score Points for this first match would be thirty-eight (38).
      • In the Team’s second match, they place in 5th, scoring twenty-two (22) Placement Points, and they score twenty (20) Elimination Points. The Team’s Score Points for this second match would be forty-four (44).
      • If this Team does not play any additional matches during the Qualifier Rounds, then this Team’s highest Score Points would be forty-four.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Teams can only accumulate points between the hours of 9:00 AM PDT and 10:59 PM PDT daily, between August 12, 2022 and August 14, 2022. Any matches played between 11:00 PM PDT and 8:59 AM PDT will NOT count toward your Team’s overall points (“Down Time Period”).
  • The top seventy-five (75) Teams will advance to the Preliminary Rounds (the “Qualifying Teams”). There will be ten (10) additional Teams on a wait list, in the event one (1) or more of the initial seventy-five (75) Teams is unable to compete.
  • Tie Breakers:
    • If there is a tie in Score Points, the Team with the highest amount of Elimination Points in the match with each respective Team’s highest Score Points shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie in Score Points and Elimination Points, the Team with the Team member having the highest amount of Elimination Points between the Teams in a tie breaker shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie in each of the foregoing, the Team with the first match to a Team member having the highest amount of Elimination Points between the Teams in a tie breaker shall win the tie.
  • Disqualifying Matches:
    • If one (1) or more players on your Team “quits” during a match, then the points obtained during that match will not count toward your Team’s Score Points.
    • If a match finishes during the Down Time Period, the match will not count toward a Team’s Score Points.
  • If one or more of the Qualifying Teams drops out of the Tournament prior to the start of the Preliminary Rounds, the next Team with the highest Score Points will be invited to the Preliminary Rounds. Sponsor may invite between ten (10) and fifteen (15) Teams (or more, if necessary) in order of placement (i.e. with the next highest Score Points after the Qualifying Teams), to replace one or more of the Qualifying Teams.

Preliminary Rounds

  • Eligible Teams will compete in a Preliminary Round (the “Preliminary Round”) starting on or about August 21, 2022 around 4:00 PM PDT. There shall be five (5) matches in total for the Preliminary Round. Teams will be split into three (3) different lobbies, and all five (5) matches will be played in the same lobby.
    • Certain Preliminary Round matches are subject to an Elimination Point limit, per match. Match 1 shall have a fourteen (14) Elimination Point limit. Matches 2 and 3 shall each have a thirty (30) Elimination Point limit. Matches 4 and 5 shall have no Elimination Point Limit.
  • Chocobos and Chocobo stops (an in-Game feature) will not be available during the Preliminary Round.
  • The top fifty (50) Teams, fifteen (15) Teams each from three (3) different lobbies, will advance to the Finals Rounds (defined below). The remaining five (5) slots will be filled by the next five (5) Teams with the highest amount of Score Points.
  • Tie Breakers:
    • If there is a tie in Score Points between two (2) or more Teams, the Team with the highest amount of Elimination Points across all the matches shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie in Score Points and Elimination Points between two (2) or more Teams, the Team with the highest amount of Score Points in the final match shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie between two (2) or more Teams in each of the foregoing scenarios, the Team with the Team member having the highest amount of Elimination Points in the final match, shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie between two (2) or more Teams in each of the foregoing, the Team with the highest amount of Placement Points in the final match shall win the tie.
    • If there is still a tie after each of the foregoing scenarios, Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee shall make a determination on how to break the tie.

Finals Rounds

  • Eligible Teams will compete in two sets finals rounds (the “Finals Rounds”). The top fifty (50) teams from the Preliminary Round will compete in Finals Rounds 1, which will start on or about August 27, 2022 at 4:00 PM PDT. The top twenty-five (25) Teams will move on to Finals Rounds 2.
    • There will be two (2) lobbies in Finals Round 1.
    • The top ten (10) Teams from each lobby, twenty (20) Teams total, will move on to Finals Rounds 2.
    • The remaining five (5) slots will be filled by the next five (5) Teams with the highest amount of Score Points.
  • Finals Rounds 2 will start on or about August 28, 2022 at 4:00 PM PDT.
  • There shall be five (5) matches in total in each Finals Rounds: five (5) matches for Finals Rounds 1 and five (5) matches for Finals Rounds 2.
  • Certain Finals Rounds matches are subject to an Elimination Point limit, per match. Match 1 shall have a fourteen (14) Elimination Point limit. Matches 2 and 3 shall each have a thirty (30) Elimination Point limit. Matches 4 and 5 shall have no Elimination Point Limit.
  • The map “Midgar Slums” will be used for all matches in both Finals Rounds 1 and 2.
  • If there are less than twenty-five (25) teams in a lobby, the match will start as is without the addition of bots.
  • Chocobos and Chocobo stops (an in-Game feature) will not be available during any Finals Round.
  • Tie Breakers:
    • If there is a tie in Score Points between two (2) or more Teams, the Team with the highest amount of Elimination Points across all the matches shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie in Score Points and Elimination Points between two (2) or more Teams, the Team with the highest amount of Score Points in the final match shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie between two (2) or more Teams in each of the foregoing scenarios, the Team with the Team member having the highest amount of Elimination Points in the final match, shall win the tie.
    • If there is a tie between two (2) or more Teams in each of the foregoing, the Team with the highest amount of Placement Points in the final match shall win the tie.
    • If there is still a tie after each of the foregoing scenarios, Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee shall make a determination on how to break the tie.

F. Winner Selection: The Sponsor (listed below), or Sponsor’s designee, shall select three (3) winning Teams, and one “most valuable player” winner, from among all entries using the following methodology:

  • The top three (3) Teams from the Finals Rounds 2, based on the point system and tie breaker rules above, shall be the first, second, and third place winners of the Tournament.

  • The player with the with the highest amount of Elimination Points across all matches in the Finals Rounds 2, whether or not the player is in one of the top three (3) Teams, shall be considered the “most valuable player”.

G. Prize(s): The top three (3) Teams will receive the following prize(s):

First Place

  • Two Thousand United States Dollars ($2,000.00 USD), per Team Member and Team Leader (Six Thousand United States Dollars ($6,000.00 USD) in total for the Team)
  • Thirty Thousand (30,000) Shinra credits per Team Member and Team Leader (Shinra credits are a virtual, in-Game item with no real-world value) (Ninety Thousand (90,000) Shinra credits in total for the Team)
  • Three (3) Razer Kishi, one (1) for each Team Member and Team Leader (approximate retail value of $99.99 USD)
  • Three (3) Razer Opus headphones, one (1) for each Team Member and Team Leader (approximate retail value of $99.99 USD)
  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the first place Team (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

Second Place

  • One Thousand United States Dollars ($1,000.00 USD), per Team Member and Team Leader (Three Thousand United States Dollars ($3,000.00 USD) in total for the Team)
  • Twenty Thousand (20,000) Shinra credits per Team Member and Team Leader (Shinra credits are a virtual, in-Game item with no real-world value) (Sixty Thousand (60,000) Shinra credits in total for the Team)
  • Three (3) Razer Opus headphones, one (1) for each Team Member and Team Leader (approximate retail value of $99.99 USD)
  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the second place Team (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

Third Place

  • Three Hundred United States Dollars ($300.00 USD), per Team Member and Team Leader (Nine Hundred United States Dollars ($900.00 USD) in total for the Team)
  • Ten Thousand (10,000) Shinra credits per Team Member and Team Leader (Shinra credits are a virtual, in-Game item with no real-world value) (Thirty Thousand (30,000) Shinra credits in total for the Team).
  • Three (3) Razer Kishi, one (1) for each Team Member and Team Leader (approximate retail value of $99.99 USD)
  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the third place Team (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

The player that is considered the “most valuable player” shall win:

  • One Hundred United States Dollars ($100.00 USD)
  • Thirty Thousand (30,000) Shinra credits (Shinra credits are a virtual, in-Game item with no real-world value)

All eligible players that participate in the in-Game Qualifiers shall each receive:

  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the Tournament (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)
  • An in-game weapon and character skin that will be exclusive to the Tournament (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

All eligible players that participate in the Preliminary Round shall each receive:

  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the Tournament (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

All eligible players that participate in the Finals Rounds shall each receive:

  • An in-game title and banner that will be exclusive to the Tournament (these are in-Game items with no monetary value)

H. Winner Notification: Sponsor, or Sponsor’s designee, will notify winner(s) by or about August 30, 2022 via announcement on the official Tournament website.

I. Sponsor: The sponsor of this Promotion is Square Enix, Inc.

J. Additional Terms and Notes:

  • Tournament Operating Environment: The Tournament will be held on the latest global version of the Game available on the App Store or Google Play Store. Players are solely responsible for ensuring they have the proper operating environment in order to play the Game (ex. having a smart phone device with the proper specifications to run the Game, a stable Internet connection, optional peripherals, etc.) (the “Operating Environment”). Sponsor is not responsible for any discrepancies or match outcomes caused by differences in operating environment between players (ex. having unstable Internet connection). Furthermore, Sponsor is not responsible for any difficulties a player encounters in participating in the Tournament, including but not limited to issues caused by a player’s own Operating Environment.
  • Location of Tournament Participation: Players will participate in the Tournament online from their residence or choice of venue, subject to the terms and conditions in these Key Rules.
  • Communication with Tournament Sponsor and other Players:
    • Player communication will be facilitated by the Tournament Discord server operated by Sponsor and/or Sponsor’s designee.
    • All players participating in the Preliminary Round and Finals Rounds 1 and 2 are required to join the Discord server by the date/time announced by Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee.
    • Players may be required to utilize the voice channels in the Discord server for communication between players and Sponsor, OR via text chat. Please follow the instructions from Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee.
  • Verification of Player Information: Sponsor reserves the right to verify that players have provided accurate information in order to ensure players are eligible to participate in the Tournament and that players are in compliance with these Key Rules.
  • Tournament Operations:
    • All players are required to join a private match room. The room name and access password will be shared with each Team prior to the start of Preliminary Round and Finals Rounds.
    • Players are required to connect to the private match room with the username that was verified by the tournament management team.
  • Disconnection During Matches:
    • The start of a match will be signified when the drop point becomes visible on the map and/or player screen.
    • If any player loses connection during a match, the Sponsor’s designee will determine whether the match should be restarted.
    • If the player is able to reconnect to the server and private match, the player may continue the match.
    • If the player is unable to reconnect to the match, the Elimination Points prior to the disconnect will still be counted toward that match.
  • Bugs or Glitches during Matches: Matches may not be restarted in the event of bugs or glitches occurring during a match. Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee reserves the right to assess the severity of such bugs or glitches and determine whether a match should be replayed.
  • Player Conduct: All players are expected to treat everyone with respect. Players that engage in poor behavior, use a custom user interface, use third party tools or programs not approved by Sponsor or Sponsor’s designee, and/or who refuse to cooperate with Sponsor’s designee in conducting the Tournament, may be disqualified from the Tournament (in addition to any other remedial actions that Sponsor may decide in its sole discretion).

By entering the Promotion, you agree to be bound and abide by these Key Rules and the Additional Rules applicable to your place of legal residence, and you represent that you satisfy all eligibility requirements to enter the Promotion.

For more information about how Sponsor uses your data, see the Additional Rules and visit Square Enix’s Privacy Notice at