DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS Building Card Precautions
Last Updated: Thursday May 26 2022 15:00 GMT

DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS Building Card Precautions

Last Updated: Thursday May 26 2022 15:00 GMT
  • Building Cards cannot be used for business or commercial use.

  • You cannot create or share Building Cards that contain any of the following:

    1. Content that contain obscene or offensive materials, names, or designs
    2. Content that violates any public policies
    3. Content that includes details that can be read as personal information
    4. Content that includes details that violate or may violate others’ intellectual property rights
    5. Content that include materials, names, or designs used to defame, discriminate, or threaten specific people or organizations
  • Building Cards that are sent and received through social media services may not be displayed properly in the game, as the image gets compressed.