(PC Only) Resolved an issue in Chapter 1 where it shows a controller tutorial instead of a keyboard tutorial for keyboard & mouse users.
Resolved an issue in Chapter 1 where Safi’s voice lines aren’t playing when taking her snapshot.
(German only) Resolved an issue in Chapter 1 where part of the text in the Caledon acceptance letter is in the wrong language.
Resolved an issue in Chapter 2 where after talking to Lucas in the living timeline, users can step on the chair where Lucas was sitting.
Resolved an issue in Chapter 2 where under certain circumstances when sneaking around in Moses' office to get Safi’s camera, Max can’t go downstairs.
Resolved an issue upon completion of Chapter 2 where the thumbnail for 'Samson the Hellerton House Plant’ and ‘Gwen’s Plant' watering can choice are the wrong way round (sorry Samson).
Resolved an issue in Chapter 3 where incorrect objectives would be shown after speaking to Lucas.
Resolved an issue in Chapter 3 where the objective wouldn’t correctly update after talking to Vinh in the living world.
Updated one of the objectives in Chapter 3 to be clearer on which world to find information about Maya.
Resolved an issue upon completion of Chapter 3 where Max's hair clips through her skull on a 'Giving Vinh a Secret' choice thumbnail on the End of Chapter Screen.
Under certain circumstances, Max forgot to change out of her indoor fit in Chapter 4. This is now fixed and Max now wearing the right outfit.
Resolved an issue if a player uses Explore Scene in Chapter 4 where NPCs are Misplaced during the Krampus Roast.
Resolved an issue in Chapter 4 where static noise unexpectedly plays under certain conditions.
Russian Terms of Service has been updated with the correct date.
Outstanding Issues
There are a few issues we are aware of and are looking to fix in an upcoming patch. These include:
Missing voice lines in Chapter 5.
Infinite loading issues on PC, affecting a small number of players/hardware configurations.
Achievements not appearing from Early Access into full launch.